Shipping Policy

Last updated: 2024-Aug-01

1. Shipping Coverage

We offer worldwide shipping services.

2. Delivery Time

Delivery time is calculated from the moment your order is successfully confirmed. Typically, the delivery time is 1-2 business days.
Public holidays or unforeseen events may affect delivery times. In case of any delays, we will notify you and find an appropriate solution.

3. Shipping Fees

All orders on LearnableHub are delivered for free.

4. Shipping/Inspection

Products will be delivered to your email.

If the download link is not working (e.g., unavailable, expired, or 404 error), please reply to this email, and we will send a new link within 1-6 hours.

5. Shipping Support

If you have any questions or requests regarding shipping, please contact us via email at [email protected] for prompt assistance.